Friday, January 23, 2009

Learned Something Unexpected

So I had a good cry last night (the kind where you can't breathe and you get a sinus headache) and feel remarkably restored. I'm hoping I only go up from here.

I was surprised today to find myself not missing Robert but our furry, four-legged companion instead.

I dropped some lunch on the floor and Carbon did not come running. The kids spill food, bits fly while I make dinner and I actually have to bend down and pick it up!!

I don't know if I can go on like this for the next six months....


K-Dub said...

I totally get THAT! We haven't had a dog in a few years, but I miss having spectacularly clean kitchen floors. The rest of the house, on the other hand, given the shedding and other inedible bits...

Shelby said...

See, that's why we HAD to get a new dog after having to put our other one down, it makes me feel like I actually keep a clean house :)

Lisa said...

I'll send my boys over. There's never any food on our floor thanks to my human vacuum cleaners!

M said...

I will take both of you up on your offers! I'm having to sweep the floor daily! DAILY! And you know that I don't do that so I have some very messy floors. Thank heavens I don't have a toddler who is going to be eating anything left on the floor!