Monday, January 12, 2009

Mad Cows Disease

My FIL's cow had a baby a week or so ago. We finally got up to visit the baby cow (may I just say - adorable? What is it about tiny little creatures that just make you go "awww?"). I took lots and lots of pictures but my favorite is this one:

I think Mama Cow and her BFF are ready to kill me.


Who knew a cow could get so mad?


Jillybean said...

So tell me, if some stranger came into your house and started taking a bajillion pictures of your cute little offspring, wouldn't you eventually give them that look?

Those poor cows. They know exactly how Brad and Angelina must feel.


mia said...

Holy Cow! Man they are giving you the evil eye, shooting darts, stink eye, crook name it they are giving it to you!

M said...

Jill - okay, okay. You have a point. Not only would I have given them the look but they would have been in strong danger of being fricasseed. Worse if my DH were home.

lol - and I concur, I'm sure they DO know how Brangelina feels!

Mia - I KNOW!!! The look cracked me up. I took the picture and then looked at them - the glare DID NOT let up!

Lizzie said...

ahh yes, the cute baby cow!!!!! but can you say ummmm VEAL!

K-Dub said...

Mmmmmm.... I concur on the veal comment!

M said...

Yeah, veal....I've heard it's good but I've never been able to get past the idea of eating Norman.