Thursday, January 15, 2009

Missing Unknown Friends

Have you ever noticed that once you get attached to certain blogs/bloggers, even though you've never met them, you begin to worry?

Why haven't they posted yet?

Are they okay?

Are they stranded somewhere on the side of a snowy mountain road desperately surviving on forgotten french fries found in between the seats?

Are they sick?

Have their children been captured by aliens necessitating them to go on an intergalactic mission to rescue them?

Did someone start stalking them? To death?


I worry.

It's what I do.

It's God's plan to teach my husband patience.

But, you all know who you are, please, blog something, even if it's just a signal flare, a "Hello Maraiya, all is well, more news to follow,"

Because I miss you.



Suburban Correspondent said...

I'm like that, too; and then I start wondering, "What the heck is wrong with me? I don't really know these people." But I miss them anyway.

Are you feeling better?

M said...

So glad I'm not alone.

I'm feeling better as in no fevers but I'm still exhausted every day and this hacking coughing peeing thing sucks. But everything I've read says that it will linger for weeks (yea me). I think it is lessening so maybe I'm headed in the right direction at least?

Jillybean said...

I've wondered where you've been when you haven't posted in a while.

And my kids are captured by aliens necessitating me to go on an intergalactic mission to rescue them on a regular basis.

Shelby said...

Hi Maraiya,
I am here...alive and, well, alive. I do check in and read your blog, I just don't comment. I'm like a "ghost" reader:) We are just doing busy stuff, trying to be on the computer less and actually interact with my kids. Plus, we got a new puppy so I have to make sure he's not crapping all over the house. Good times!

Bored in Vernal said...

i havent been blogging very much because i am depressed. but thank you for thinking of me. hopefully our project will help me.
love to you.

M said...

Jilly - Thanks. It's good to know that I am missed too. Odd though isn't it? I was really enjoying November though because I knew, KNEW, that every day would bring a new post from you.

Shelby - It's good to know that you're reading. Your girls are so precious!! We love looking at photos of them - and your pictures are getting so good! I'm going to have to pay you to take pics of MY kids! I'll have to swing by your blog and look for photos of the new puppy....yeah, I keep telling Rob that any new dogs we get should be at least 4yo and housebroken.

BiV - I'm so sorry that you are struggling. I understand. I'm really enjoying the project and hope it gets going with more participation. You are in my prayers.