Monday, January 5, 2009

Our Bags are Packed

er....make that being packed. I officially purchased our tickets to travel north. Robert leaves in a few weeks (sooner than planned - we're very sad) and the kids and I leave in July.

Anyone desiring to travel north in a small 4-berth cabin with 3 children for the space of 4 days and 3 nights in order to keep me from going insane, please let me know.

Seriously....I'm very worried for my mental health.


Jillybean said...

Might I suggest Benadryl, duct tape, a portable DVD player and a laptop with Wi Fi?

M said...

I had planned on the DVD player and laptop but the duct tape and Benadryl are sheer genius! Genius.

Lizzie said...

chocolate!!!!!!!!!!1 that will keep you going and maybe a cell phone so that you can call your BFF please don't leave me!!!!!

M said...

chocolate is good too - I don't want to gain 20 pounds from this trip though....maybe I'll just keep feeding the kids.

And I wonder if I would even get ANY kind of reception on those blasted boats.

Suburban Correspondent said...

I have somehow lost track of what is going on here. North? Aren't you in Alaska already? Where can you go?

Must go put you on my Reader - I don't know why you're not there already!

M said...

Wow - I feel highly complimented that you would put me on your reader! Yea me!

Well, we visited family in AK last year but we reside in Oregon. My hubby got a wild hair and now we are actually moving to AK. It's crazy. He leaves in two weeks and we leave at the end of July. Six months of single mothering; six months of blog whining I'm sure!

But otherwise, you are so right. I told DH we are not moving any further south than where we already are (too hot) and we will not move any further north than where we are going (way too cold

Lena's Mom said...

I suggest a portable DVD player, that will keep them occupied for atleast a couple of hours. Benadryl is a great idea, sleep my little babies sleep.

Maryann said...

it's just not going to seem real until you are actually are gone! i don't want to think about it for we will miss you guys. I am just praying that you pull a ' crofts move-back' stunt in a couple of years! I hope it is all you dream of. I pray you love it! xoxo

M said...

Lola - why do I feel like I should have really long fingernails and a pointed hat? "Sleep my pretties! Sleep. Hahahaha."

Maryann - I feel the same. I was thinking about this Sunday as I realized just how comfortable and happy I am in our ward. It's a good place to be and I'm very uncertain about the new one.