Thursday, April 10, 2008

Music Soothes the Soul

Well, if you couldn't tell, I've been having a not so good, blue, manic day. I was going to go to bed but neither tv nor books appealed to me. I browsed through several blogs when I stumbled upon . I've been having a great deal of fun listening to songs and selecting some to add to my playlist. I added this element to the sidebar towards the bottom. I am so excited that finally, FINALLY, so many of you will have the pleasure of knowing "The Scotsman" and "The Haircut Song." Now you will at last, I know this has been a life long aspiration for many of you, understand what goes through my head when I hear Coos Bay. "I'm a logger. Just up from Cooooos Bay, Oregon."

1 comment:

ConTorTion said...

this is my one of my favorite Concrete Blonde Songs.