Friday, August 8, 2008

Nothing Much To Say

I've been wanting to blog. I sit at my computer and stare at my blog as if I could will a post into being if I stare hard enough. The thing is, I'm home. In Oregon. Our garden is growing, our grass is dead and our weeds are flourishing. My children have returned to some routine of limited TV and video games, reading, chores and time outside. Nothing exciting.

There are no bears randomly wandering down our street. My children haven't learned any new words. They haven't pooped in their beds. There have been no discoveries of the refrigerator light. I haven't forgotten them anywhere (darn it!). We haven't gone camping. We haven't discovered any new visitors to our home. (Robert managed to kill the rat dead while we were gone. *sigh* My great white hunter!)

Yeah. So. Nothing has happened. I took my garbage and recyclables to the curb this morning. I went to WalMart at 7am on August 2 to get Breaking Dawn (yes, I'm one of those people) and finished reading it by 9am on Sunday. Hmmm....I've washed laundry. Would you like a break down of my whites, colored and cold wash loads?


Darn, I thought that would be so scintillating.

I got nothing, folks.

I'll try, though, to have some non-self-examining post tomorrow.

Today, I vow to pester my children until one of them explodes. And then I'll blog on that. Today, I vow to hike through the woods until I can scare up a bar. And then I'll blog on that. Today, I vow to....ah hell, I can't even think of imaginary posts. Today, I vow to get my imagination back.

Yeah. We'll see how that goes.

On the upside, I just gave you a whole lot of good links. Go read something more entertaining than me.


Kalola said...

You posted: "Today, I vow to hike through the woods until I can scare up a bar." "Bar"???? You mean to say there are "bars" in them there woods? Okay, folks, it's time to belly on up to the bar along with those cute little (or big) woodland creatures. :O)

mia said...

It is exciting here! We have bears up to our ears and i have to tell you it is just a little too close for comfort.
Our big metal trash can is DEAD! Yup a bear broke the metal bear latch and bent the darn box, took out the trash and ran down the hill with it.
We now have bear warnings, telling us we have to keep our outside door closed by downstairs locked and closed. Kids are suppose to stay together when they play haven't been in the "forest" for two days now.
Life isn't boring here!

M said...

Kalola - I meant bar like "kilt him a bar when he was only 3" but I like your interpretation. Perhaps I could dream up a creative post about finding a bar in the woods - much more interesting.

Mia - If I tell my kids, I'm sure they will beg me to go to AK. They were so bummed at Sara's when I shooed them inside and wouldn't let them be outside with the bear. No doubt Quinn would have actually chased them. I need to instill some fear of wildlife into their little hearts before someone gets mauled.

And hey, sorry about the dumpster but now you can say it is definitively NOT your fault when your landlady pitches a fit!

Jillybean said...

Maybe you can write an imaginary post about meeting a bear at a bar in the woods.

Jillybean said...

Or, that sounds like the beginning of a good joke.

"Maraiya and a bear walk in to a bar in the woods......."

Jillybean said...

Or how about a song?

Maraiya Crockett.
Mom of the wild frontier"

Jillybean said...

I also have nothing to blog about right now.

I guess I could write about how the kids have been fighting all weekend, but that topic is getting old.

I guess I could write another potty training post, Max pooped on the floor in his bedroom yesterday.