Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Why I Love Being a SAHM

Because this year, my children are all gone at school for about 12 hours a week. And during that time, do I do anything productive like cleaning or keeping the family books or packing for our move?


I get to twirl. In my twirly skirt. And walk around the house as if I'm Ginger Rogers. You know the move - a semi-crouched glide as my twirly skirt floats out behind me.

And I giggle. A lot.

And there is no one here to mock me.

Ooh - and I get to eat chocolate AND I DON"T HAVE TO SHARE!

Yeah, being a SAHM - it's everything you heard it could be.


mia said...

So THAT is where all of my chocolate went to!

M said...


Jillybean said...

I wish I had a twirly skirt.

I'm only without kids for 4 hours a week. I usually run errands then.
I also get to go to my favorite fast food restaurants, and get what I want. Dessert too, and I don't have to share ;0)

Do you ever grab a hairbrush and sing in front of the mirror?