Tuesday, December 30, 2008

For Health or Looks?

Why is it that when I start to work out it's to focus on my health but as I workout, my eyes start to covet the lean bodies of the people on my screen and I think, "To hell with being fit, I wanna be svelte and look great in a bikini!"

What's up with that? I know that even being fat, I can still be fit and help my heart, find more energy, enhance my mood (and that does need some enhancing) and lower my risk for a myriad of diseases. Good stuff.

But when I work out, I just. don't. care. Visions of sugar plums (hard bodies) dance in my head and then I feel nothing but discouraged when I go look in my mirror and see my lumpy, stretch marked body.


Someday I'll get this natural man/child of God thing worked out.


1 comment:

Lizzie said...

oooh for health or looks, well they say if you healthy you look good too. HA thats Bull pucky..