Monday, June 2, 2008

Miracle Update #1

Well, it's been over a month since I first listed my goals for the upcoming year. I haven't been doing to well.
  1. Read my scriptures, cover to cover, book to book. I haven't hardly touched my scriptures. I did set up a schedule but it involves getting on the ball immediately and hmmm, this miracle may need to be altered.
  2. Run a mile in less than 10 minutes. This may have to be reduced to just running a mile. There has been no exercise of any kind in my life. Even last Friday when my 4yo daughter said, "Mom, let's work out," and she danced to a short aerobic tape, I declined to join her. So, this takes care of miracle #2 and 19.
  3. Watch my tongue. Not so good at this either. Let's just say there was a major debacle last month, the center of which was my ill mannered tongue. Try, try again.
  4. Befriend someone new. No new friends but I have made a concerted effort to approach those outside my immediate circle of friends.
  5. Befriend someone I don't like. I hear my therapist cautioning that there could be a good and healthy reason that I don't like them and maybe it's better they weren't really my "friend." I'm thinking of changing #5 for the reason listed. I'm having a hard time thinking of anyone I don't like except those with good cause. So, either God will change my heart, the person will change or this won't happen. The first two would certainly be great miracles.
  6. Find a charity to support and donate, even a buck every month. Still looking and pondering.
  7. Take two LCC math classes to bone up for grad school. Need to get in to see someone at LCC. This week or next I'm hoping as I don't want to take placement tests etc. with all three children at my heels.
  8. Call the Hult Center to look into volunteering as an usher. This one has been stricken from the record. I have decided that with everything else going on plus my current involvement in a RS bookclub and scrapbooking group that I don't have the time and my husband doesn't have the patience for volunteering. I would like to do this someday, but now is not that day.
  9. Monthly dates with my DH. Perhaps I should tell Robert that we are doing this....Still haven't even told Robert we're doing this.
  10. Volunteer or, potentially, substitute in HS math. Tabled until the fall.
  11. Call Pacific University and discuss MEd program.
  12. Call UofO and discuss MEd programs. I have ordered (and received) my transcripts from St. John's but I haven't actually made any phone calls. I know, suck it up sister! Soon, soon.
  13. Spend 1/2 hr. one on one with each of my kids weekly but I'll settle for monthly. Nope.
  14. Talk to my MIL about how much I appreciate her sacrifices regarding my wedding. Nuh-uh.
  15. Survive July in Alaska. Is it July? I'm off the hook here.
  16. Attend a temple endowment session. Nein.
  17. Attend a temple initiatory session. See above.
  18. Write 33 Thank You notes or "love letters". I have a few names...and ideas....
  19. Be able to use 10, 12 and 15 pound weights for weight lifting workouts. See #2 above.
  20. Monthly love notes to my children and husband. Maybe just daily one liners. I'm switching this to the one-liners. I did it for about a week and everyone (excepting possibly Quinn) thought it was super fabulous. I need to get back to it.
  21. Find hope again. This one, surprisingly, is coming along.
  22. Make matching dresses for me and Lulu. Forgive me as I laugh so hard that I end up snorting like a pig!
  23. Scrapbook 1 year of photos. I have scrapbooked 8 12x12 pages since I wrote, so I think that's good progress...yea me!
  24. Get the photos on my computer developed. Again with the laughing.
  25. Get the photos sitting on rolls of film in my closet developed. I'm on the floor now!
  26. Clean off my bedroom dresser. Okay - I'm headed to the ICU. Cause? Lack of oxygen to the brain from laughing. Seriously, the pile spread like cancer from the dresser to the floor to my bed....I began to be afraid. I've cleaned of the bed but the dresser still looks as it did.
  27. Keep my bedroom dresser clean for one week. Well, this would require that #26 was first accomplished, wouldn't it?
  28. Take a family picture (sans DH) in front of the Mendenhall Glacier. I have to get to AK first....
  29. Come to grips with the imminence of death and see it as a blessing rather than a curse. Yeah, not happening but I think I'm progressing. I'm beginning to see death every where (sort of like when you are preggers and all you see are infants and pregnant women). I'm hoping this is an enhanced consciousness on my part and the beginning of my acceptance that everything - and everyone - dies.
  30. Begin to like my emotions. This one I've made progress on. I had this great conversation with God where He reminded me of all the emotions Jesus must have felt during the Atonement. If my emotions give me a small glimpse of this, of compassion and love and empathy for my fellowman, is this not a blessing?
  31. Finish typing up my mom's journals. Haven't started. I may need to give up Zoo Tycoon for awhile.
  32. Write an essay about something important to me. I did start but I'm not sure the essay I started will work - it sounded a lot like me whining. Maybe I'll try again.
  33. Finish Step 9. Yeah. Not even close.
So, where am I? I've sorted through the list and have picked the ones to focus on. Right now I'm hoping to at least get phones calls made and begin to take my baby steps toward being a working mom. I also want to work on #1, 6, 10 and 20. I'm hoping once I get some sort of routine, that I'll be able to add some of the others. Some of them, are just a matter of time - time passing and also setting aside a few hours to accomplish something. I'll try and report back next month. Until then, keep praying for me; there's a reason I listed all of these as miracles!


mia said...

Just remember it is the thought that counts :)
Also one step at a time "Rome wasn't built in a day."
A genius has to ponder about the work that needs to be done, before doing it.


Bored in Vernal said...

Hey, sweetie, if you count me as a new friend, I can fulfill your #4 for you! :)

M said...

BiV - I would be so happy and honored to count you as my new friend. (I'll leave you to wonder if it's because I really like you or I just want to cross another miracle off my list!)

M said...

OK - I have to be careful (because of #3) so I'll completely confess that I think you're fabulous BiV!

M said...

And Mia, thanks for your vast wisdom!! And yes, I realize that technically I have...doing some math here...about 14 months left to accomplish these.

Suburban Correspondent said...

Compassion! You can sponsor a child for 32 dollars a month and it is very highly rated. It makes the idea of charity very tangible to your kids, because you have a picture of the child and a description of where they live, and you send letters...

Shelby said...

All in all I like your list, i like your #3, obviously...I was razzing you about it at PC. I must admit...I didn't know what to quite think of you a year ago...but now, I like you, I really do. I have the tongue that you have just not the "cohonies" (google that) to say half, no a third, of the S@*t you do.

M said...

Shelby - I don't know if that's good or bad! Sometimes I think I need to stop channeling my inner Phoebe.

Maryann said...

#26----ANSWER......GOODWILL!!! or Big black garbage bag and to the dump you go.