Monday, June 30, 2008

Slightly Panicking

Do you see this countdown thing to the right? Do you see how there are no days left, only hours? Do you feel the knot in the pit of my stomach worrying about all the things left to do? Rob and I stayed up until about midnight packing. I have a list of errands and things I need to pick up before we can go and, ideally, I will finish throwing in the last few odds and ends tonight at a reasonable hour and get some sleep.

Yeah. Right.

I have a feeling even if I accomplish everything and go to bed at a reasonable hour that I am going to be up all night worrying over what I packed and what I didn't pack. *sigh* Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to try and be prepared early. Maybe I should have left all the chaos of packing for the last minute when I wouldn't have time to think and to worry. Why is being prepared a good thing?

And I realize that this post is not terribly clever but it's hard to think with 747's taking off and landing in the pit of your stomach. Come on people! Be clever for me and make me laugh in the comments!

1 comment:

Bored in Vernal said...

well, maybe not clever, but I want to wish you Bon Voyage! Hope you have a wonderful trip.