Monday, June 30, 2008

Tagging Myself Because I'm Just Too, TOO!

A~attached or single~ Attached!
B~best friend~ Dead: my mom; Living: Lizzie
C~cake or pie~ Cake...mmmmm....chocolate cake with chocolate frosting - YUM! Black Tie Mousse Cake from Olive Garden (excuse me while I wipe away my drool.
D~day of choice~ Sunday
E~essential item~ hot water
F~favorite color~ Green
G~gummi bears or worms~ blech! none. I give them all to hubbly bubbly.
H~hometown~ Juneau, AK - that's Alaska not Arkansas
I~indulgences~ dark lovely chocolate...and a trashy novel
J~january or july~ July in Alaska, January in Oregon
K~kids~ 3 - two boys and a girl
L~life in incomplete without~ Robert
M~marriage date~ Sept 13, 1997
N~number of siblings~ 2 both boys. I am the cream in our family's Oreo cookie
O~oranges or apples~ Apples - braeburns to be precise. Although I like oranges. Every time I have one it's like, "Ooh, I forgot how good these are!"
P~phobias or fears~my kids growing up and leaving me and thinking I suck; being a horrible mother-in-law; Robert dying; doing new things that I've never done before; taking risks
Q~quotes~ Seriously?! Fabulous!
R~reason to smile~ mi familia
S~season~ Hmmmm....I'll take them all. I best like the parts of the year though when there are no holidays and no birthdays and no extra work for Mom
T~tag someone else~ Robert, even if I have to fake your answers, Mia, Lizzie, BiV (just because I want to tag you), Jill...ah hell, play if you want and if you don't just promise to comment!
U~unknown fact about me~ I have a tattoo.....Just kidding. I thought about getting a tattoo while in college but I could never think of a place to put it. (I wanted a stylized infinity symbol.)
V~vegetarian or meat eater~ Meat eater. I think about being vegetarian but then I lie down until the feeling passes.
W~worst habit~ picking my nose and biting my fingers (but not after I've done the former)
X~ x-rays or ultrasounds~ What an odd question. I realize x is hard but couldn't they ask if I've ever played the xylaphone before (yes); if I've watched x-rated movies (no); if I'm xanthocomic (no); if I have xenomania (slightly); if I've ever had xenomenia (not that I'm aware of); or if I'm ever xerotic (in the summer, in Oregon, yes). But no, they ask "x-rays or ultrasounds." What does that mean? Which do I prefer? Have I ever had them? Answers: Ultrasounds (because usually there's a baby involved and it's fun to see them) and I've had both.
Y~your favorite food~ sushi especially the raw fish kind.
Z~zodiac sign~ Leo the Lion

Thought I'd try something I learned on CSI....see, TV can be educational!

By the way, can you tell that I'm totally trying to calm down and not think about packing and running errands...and oh, dear, my knots coming back!


david santos said...

Happy day!

Stefanie said...

Hey! Hope you have a great time in Alaska! Wave at me as you are flying over okay? love ya.

Shelby said..., who is David Santos?

Lizzie said...

Wow Mr. Santos looks extremely important, I would like to thank you for making me your BFF who is alive, at least last time I looked I was alive, I will miss you and can't wait for you to come back , thanks for taking my rugrats with you today Dyl Pickle had a great time, xoxoxo talk to you in a few days

xoxoxo Lizzie

Lena's Mom said...

I hope you have a great time in Alaska, I will miss our computer chats. I will pray that you got through security without a hitch.

M said...

I have no idea who David Santos is. I visited his blog, which has a ton of hits, and can't read a darn thing because it's in Spanish. I really should learn another language someday!!

Lizzie - we had a blast yesterday. The chitlins are very sad that Dylan and Mycalah will be gone when we get back.