Friday, June 27, 2008

Good Moments

It's summer vacation and I have spent many, many hours and days being a referee. I have heard whining and foot stomping and been talk backed to. I have had all those moments that make me want to pull out my hair and wonder why I didn't practice birth control better.


Today we were playing outside at a park. Rhys and Lulu were swinging, the sun was shining and there was this fabulous cool breeze. I closed my eyes, lifted my face to the sun and heard my children laughing. *click* Inner snapshot. These are the moments that make me so grateful to be alive. These are the moments that make me happy to have children and long for more. These are the moments that I am grateful for my body; I love to receive wind kisses from God and sticky, strawberry infused ones from my children.

Today was good.

1 comment:

Shelby said...

what a sweet thought. I'm glad you had a good day.