Friday, June 27, 2008


We have a major catastrophe.


I cannot find the bag of chocolate chips. I swear when we did this major stock up trip to Costco that we bought a 10lb. bag of chips. I remember the moment vividly as Robert and I had a conversation about it.

I said, "No honey, I think we have enough."

And I'm sure he gave me that look that says, "Darling, is enough ever enough?"

And I said, "Why no, snookums, you're right. Let's buy another bag."

And then we came home and DH put them away and I. can't. find. them!!!!

I used the last of our current bag last week when I made cookies. I wasn't even disturbed to be emptying the bag because I knew I had another 10lb. bag somewhere. I looked in the garage - no luck (no dead rats either). I tore apart our pantry but the big bucket that says, "salt," actually holds salt. Same with the ones labeled pasta and flour. What is up with that? I was hoping that one of them was filled with chocolate chips in disguise but no such luck. I even checked the freezer thinking that we put the there for some odd reason. No. Nada. Just chicken and pork sausage. And vegetables. Seriously? Where are the chocolate chips?

Finally, I called Robert. At work. You have to understand that I am not ever supposed to call him there. They don't like it. The children must be bleeding from an artery or the house on fire before I make that call. But I did because this is so an emergency.

"Robertwherearetherechocolatechips?" Just like that because I'm so frantic.

"We didn't buy any because you said we had enough."

"No. No. You didn't listen to me and we bought them anyway."

"No we didn't."

"We didn't...." Feeling tears welling in my eyes.


"Well why did you listen to me????? Don't you know you aren't supposed to listen to me?!?!?" slightly enraged because, really, this is all his fault. He knows my addiction. He knows!!

"Maybe next time you should listen to me when I suggest we buy something."


Silence. Sinking in that just maybe, maybe, he doesn't think this is the emergency I do and that maybe, just maybe, I shouldn't have called.


"Bye." I think I heard him laugh.

So that's it. No chocolate chips. And I'm cheap. Have I mentioned how cheap I am? I refuse to go to Safeway and spend $2+ on a 12oz bag of chips when I can get 10lbs (10 POUNDS!) at Costco for $15. Nope. Can't do it. But I have to have the chips. But they're expensive. But I have to have chocolate. No, Maraiya, you will survive. But....NO....But....

I'll be going on like this for the next few days until I go to Costco or fly to Juneau and Mia shares her stash.

BTW, my birthday is coming up and donations are always accepted (remember I like the dark stuff - no milk chocolate please!).


Anonymous said...
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Shelby said...


Anonymous said...

I totally understand your misfortune. I will be making dark chocolate brownies with chocolate chips in them tomorrow. wink wink. And, for the record, I call Chris at work all the time, no real emergencies yet. I also stop by a lot. I am a bbbbaaaaaaaaaddddddddd wife...hehe.

M said...

Shelby - normally I agree but this was a comment from someone I didn't know in Arabic and I couldn't get a translation of the whole comment so I didn't want to leave up something when I had no idea of the content. It looked rather pretty though....

But that's the reason it was deleted. Other yes, I am anti-censorship.

M said...

Nikki - I may be dropping by!

Lena's Mom said...

I totally get where you are coming from. Last night, even though my stomach was a mess, I had a craving for chocolate, and wouldn't you know the only chocolate we had was frosting. So I grabbed a spoon and headed for my bedroom, all the while my husband is laughing at me shaking his head. You gotta do what you gotta do when the craving hits.

mia said...

What in the world makes you think i am going to share MY chocolate with you. Do you not realize the chocolate is gold here?!? I go to great lengths to hide my "stuff."


Suburban Correspondent said...

Hmmm...if you have a Trader Joe's nearby...I think the semisweet are 1.70 a bag. Although maybe the bag is only 12 ounces, so it's not such a good deal. But, you know, when my deeply ingrained frugality and my addiction to chocolate come head to head, the addiction always wins.

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog today. You tell a great story! So funny!

Shelby said...

جدا الفردية , ماذا ال الجحيم النوع من شخص سوف نقوم به هذا النحوشئ ?
Translation: I agree, but what the crap kind of person would do that?
I think I'm funny:)

Jillybean said...


That IS an emergency!!!!!!

We ran out of chocolate a few weeks ago, and I was so desperate for chocolate that I ate some hot chocolate mix.
From the can.

Next time don't question whether or not to buy chocolate. When in doubt, buy two bags.

Jillybean said...



Seriously, if you have an emergency, you don't want to be left without chocolate!

Because THAT would just compound the emergency.

Jillybean said...

So, if you're buying it for food storage, you could probably buy at least 4 or 5 bags!

You wouldn't want to have a "cookie emergency" and find yourself without chocolate chips!

M said...

Shelby - this is the translation I got:

Very individual, what the hell kind of person would do this Alnhofairs

lol -- Yes, I think you're very funny!

I wish I could have gone to the bridal shower - I think we would have had a very good time!

M said...

Jill - I have missed you!! Yes, I think you're right. I've decided that I'm going to Costco tomorrow and buying two bags - one to leave at home and one to take with me (I may even carry it on!). And I like the food storage idea...woman does not live by bread alone!

And the cocoa mix - wow! wow. Don't know what to say but then I don't have a cocoa mix I like all that much and the thing is, I kinda am starting to detest milk chocolate. What can I say? I'm a a discerning chocoholic!

Jillybean said...

I LOVE milk chocolate. I don't care for the dark stuff. I think I heard somewhere that dark chocolate is actually good for you, and we can't have any of that, now can we?
Send me any milk chocolate that you don't want.

Maraiya said...

I will send you all the milk chocolate in my house (currently none) but if I get any...

M said...

I also solved the dilemma by sending Robert to the store. He picked up a 12oz back of super yummy chocolate chips (no Nestle for me!). See, he doesn't care about the price, he just buys what he wants and then I just have to accept it because it's a husband gift and you can't say no. Poor me. :) Thanks Hubby for taking the bullet!

robert said...

Really, I didn't want to listen to whine all night.

M said...

Hmph! (Turn back, all offended)

robert said...

Ah baby, you know I love you. You and all your chocoholic ways!

M said...

Oh, I love you too baby.