Thursday, July 31, 2008

Miracle Update #2

Being back from AK, I suppose it is time to peruse my list and see how I'm doing. That and I have no idea what to blog. None. All these lovely Alaskan quirks and Calista Flockhart sightings don't exist here in, dare I say, backwoods Oregon. Just sun, heat, the lake, good friends and way too much work.

I was going to go through this point by point but so many of them have no activity so I'm just going to comment on anyone that I have to comment on besides saying, "Yeah. No. Nothing here." (As in all of the exercise related miracles.)

1. Read my scriptures, cover to cover, book to book. I have bee reading but not much progress. Bits and pieces here and there for my family scripture study time, gospel doctrine reading and trying to make it all the way through PGP. Still haven't even finished that one and it's the smallest. As previously mentioned, this may need to be revamped.

2. Run a mile in less than 10 minutes. This may have to be reduced to just running a mile.

3. Watch my tongue. Not sure how to measure success of this measure.

4. Befriend someone new. I think I am going to count BiV and Jill (if you don't mind). I've certainly been bold and posted and reached out online more than I ever thought I would; even spoken my mind on some important subjects despite the fear of rejection or mockery. I think that counts, so I'm marking this off.

5. Befriend someone I don't like.

6. Find a charity to support and donate, even a buck every month. Because at some point a decision has just got to made and because there are a million and one charities I would like to give to, I have finally selected Hopeline (1-800-SUICIDE). I figure there is probably not greater gift than the gift of life. I have also been at the bottom of the barrel and have great empathy. So now, time to start ponying up some dough.

7. Take two LCC math classes to bone up for grad school.

8. Call the Hult Center to look into volunteering as an usher.

9. Monthly dates with my DH. Told Robert and he thinks it's a great idea. We had a quiet night at home last month and Saturday (okay, technically that skips July but I was gone for 29/31 day!) we will be going out on a real date. A meal. No kids. Maybe a movie. Maybe parking. Oh, whoops, PG; keeping it PG.

10. Volunteer or, potentially, substitute in HS math.

11. Call Pacific University and discuss MEd program. Done. Discussed. I'm right on track, although it's actually a MAT (Masters in Arts, Teaching) degree. Apparently the MEd degree is for experienced teachers. A well, a Masters' a Masters' a Masters.)

12. Call UofO and discuss MEd programs. Ditto.

13. Spend 1/2 hr. one on one with each of my kids weekly but I'll settle for monthly.

14. Talk to my MIL about how much I appreciate her sacrifices regarding my wedding.

15. Survive July in Alaska. July, as you could tell from my posts (I think) was quite lovely. The weather was great, I had a good time visting everyone and loving on my family and I got some great photos. Overall, I'm very pleased. It wasn't worth half the worrying I did over this one.

16. Attend a temple endowment session.

17. Attend a temple initiatory session.

18. Write 33 Thank You notes or "love letters." 1 down. Haven't written anymore. Lots in my head but on paper, no.

19. Be able to use 10, 12 and 15 pound weights for weight lifting workouts.

20. Monthly love notes to my children and husband. Maybe just daily one liners.

21. Find hope again.

22. Make matching dresses for me and Lulu while she's still young enough to think it's cool instead of a reason to vomit.

23. Scrapbook 1 month/year of photos.

24. Get the photos on my computer developed. Temporarily done. I mean, I don't have any more photos on my computer. See, God helped. Who knew this was a miracle at the time?

25. Get the photos sitting on rolls of film in my closet developed.

26. Clean off my bedroom dresser.

27. Keep my bedroom dresser clean for one week.

28. Take a family picture (sans DH) in front of the Mendenhall Glacier. Done!! Done, done, done!! Woohoo!

29. Come to grips with the imminence of death and see it as a blessing rather than a curse.

30. Begin to like my emotions.

31. Finish typing up my mom's journals.

32. Write an essay about something important to me. Does all that theodicy stuff count? I had anticipated, though, something requiring a bit of research and not merely me shooting off my opinion. We'll see. I must ponder this further.

33. Finish Step 9.

So that's where I stand today. About 6.5/33 done. (I'll call #24 once I hear back conclusively from the computer guy.) Not bad. Better than I thought. Keep praying for me though, some of the bigger miracles are still to come.


mia said...

How are you changing the color on your blog? I LOVE the purple! I think i need to go play with my blog page...heehe

Bored in Vernal said...

Hooray for friends! And you sent me a pretty nice note, maybe that should count.