Monday, May 12, 2008

God's Sense of Humor

So, yesterday was a fabulous Mother's Day; probably the best one I've had since I officially became a mother. The evening ended with Robert sleeping early, the kids going to bed on time and I got to blog and catch up on some TV shows online. I chatted with Mia and stayed up until about 1:30am. I had a great time. Then God reminded me what I shouldn't be so self-indulgent.

Lulu woke up at midnight saying her legs hurt. I gave her some medicine, cuddled her and sent her back to bed. She woke up at 3am(?) saying her ear hurt. By now I'm tired and just want sleep, not to mention pain moving from body parts and I'm not sure if I should take her seriously plus she's already had medication. So I haul her into bed with me. She didn't sleep. Not one. single. wink. I know because I didn't either.

Finally, I gave in. I let her suck down some ibuprofen and sent her to bed. She's still sleeping but my *&T%@&$ inner alarm clock has me up. Didn't I already post once this month about the dangers of blogging on very little sleep? I guess I don't learn as quickly as I thought I did.

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