Friday, May 23, 2008

Tagged! Again!! Wheee!!!

BiV tagged me. Yea! I love feeling like I belong. Unfortunately, this tag does not so readily adapt itself to me. The last one filled me with thoughts - in fact, I still look at the 5th sentence of every book I read on the 123rd page but have yet to find a quote that I love. The new tag ( notice how this time I'm directly quoting from the tagger's blog?):

The "This is Just to Say" Meme takes its inspiration from Kacy's post at Light Refreshments Served blog. Read it! She has written some hysterical spoofs of the William Carlos Williams poem, This is Just to Say. Do you remember it from high school?
This is Just to Say
I have eaten the plums
that were in the icebox
and which
you were probably saving
for breakfast
Forgive me
They were delicious
so sweet
and so cold
Am I the only one who doesn't remember this from high school? We never read this guy. Sylvia Plath sure but why should we read anything fun? So I've been thinking, what can I just say that doesn't reiterate the ones I read and thereby tainted my whole thought process. (Although I loved BiV's - mwahahaha - and you really should check out Kacy's - too, too funny.)

So, hmmmm....

This is Just to Say
That I'm totally going to book club
even though the kids are still awake
and being rebellious
and whiny
and you have to get them bathed,
brushed and watered,
and into bed,
while I pretend to chatter about books,
but really share funny incidents,
eat pie and hang out with friends.
So. Fun.

Did I do that right? Is there a particular form to this poem? Like a haiku or a limerick? Am I overthinking all of this because I've been blogging too much this morning?

This is Just to Say
That I can't get you breakfast
or help you with your homework
and that I'm sorry
for duct taping you to your bed
because I stayed up too late
playing games
and I really just want to sleep.
Forgive me.
But my bed's so soft
and your voice so piercing.

This is Just to Say
that I am spending all my time
playing at the computer,
and eating the last of the ice cream
while you are working hard
to give me a paycheck
that I will have already spent
Forgive me.
It was all so delicious
so sweet
and so cold.

Now the fun part: I tag....Laura, Alexa, Carrie, Shelby, Maryann and Liz and Mia (but only if they want to). Oh! And Jill! How could I forget my hilarious emailing friend? And anyone else. If you don't have a blog, just leave one in the comments.

Oh, and BiV, supreme goddess of HTML, how do you leave a link in the comment section?! I've tried but to no avail.


Bored in Vernal said...

Mariaya, those are SO FUNNY! Especially the one about playing the computer and eating ice cream. Hysterical. I will try to teach you how to leave a link in the comments. But I can't type it out exactly, because then it turns into a link!

Well, let's see, every time I type an ! you will instead type <
And every time I type a ^ you will use a >. Got it? Ok.

!a href="put your URL code here"^hello!/a^

That will come out like this: hello

Well, THAT was confusing. (Maybe you should instead click the link I gave above to that site on HTML code.) When you get to that page click HREF and it will show you how to do it.

Bored in Vernal said...

Oh, and you can come to my blog and practice it in my comments!! Take as many comments as you wish to get it right!! ♥

Jillybean said...

You really duct taped them to their beds?
I mean, I have threatened to do that on many occasions, but never actually followed through.
I am in awe of your greatness.
Or insanity.

FYI - I have used scotch tape, but they break right through it.

Jillybean said...

Cool poems. You are truly multi-talented!

Jillybean said...

You tagged me?
Not only that, but you're going to make me use my brain?
Okay, I'll see what I can do.
I wrote a poem on my blog a while ago.
I will try the cool linky thing here

Jillybean said...

I did it! I did it! And it really works!!
(the linky thing)
Oooooooh, I feel so................"technical."

M said...

BiV, you are becoming our resident HTML professor! But at least Jill and I are apt pupils. And I wanted to say that I *loved* the HTML link! I even used it on my family blog to do the strike through effect. So happy!

M said..., why would anyone duct tape their children to their beds. Uh, uh not me.

Seriously no. The closest I ever came was one day while pregnant with my daughter and I *just* wanted a nap. Just a nap. Too much to ask for? From a 2 and 4 yo, yes. I came out to the garage swearing up a storm (even dropped the f-bomb) to my husband, whirled around and sat down on the doorstep and bawled. Yes, I'm a pretty stereotypical pregnant woman. The boys ended up heading out to the garage with their dad. I got to nap. Undisturbed. For two hours. I was so happy.

We have zip tied #2's hands together though (after he did the same thing to his older brother) but I think that the closest we've ever come, other than car seats, to forcibly restraining them.